"Hey, im hiding in your pocket"
..and then a tiny squeak was heard, where could it come from? Slowly I started to understand that it actually came inside of the suit, in the pocket on the inside. With a steady hand i moved the hand inside the suit, stopped for a second just outside the pocket. And then with a hasty move, I pulled the hand inside mentally prepared of almost everything. When my hand reach the pockey i felt something warm, furry and tiny. What on earth could this be? "Hey, move that claw away!" Shocked i fastly moved the hand outside and abit scared of sort of monster that could be hiding in there. "That's better, now reach down here again and pull me out softly". I still dont really know what actually made me do this instead of throwing the suit away and run, but it was something with that voice that I couldent ignore. Again I moved my hand and followed the command that came from my pocket. This is insane, and can you guess what I now was holding gently in my hand, a tiny and warm with a sort of cute look, a little mouse.